As users, we are continuously on the move. The majority of website visits begin on mobile devices, and eMarketer predicts that Mcommerce sales in US retail will rise each year. As a result, in order for all organisations to remain relevant, enhancing website accessibility and user experience on tablets, smartphones, and any other device imaginable is becoming increasingly crucial. Websites that are responsively constructed are often the best option for accommodating users.
Responsive design is a web development strategy in which a website is planned, created, and developed to look well on a variety of devices. The term “appear optimally” relates to a page’s ability to be read, navigated, and used with minimal panning and scrolling. Responsive Design is a basic idea about how a site is planned and created, not merely a method or technology.
What Is A Responsive Web Design?
Responsive design is a front-end development technique for adapting a website’s design and user experience to the user’s device, whether it’s a desktop, tablet, or smartphone. A cascading style sheet (CSS), which determines the syntax and layout of a web page, is used in responsive design to allow a website to scale to the width of a browser, regardless of device type. JQuery and Modernizr, as well as other Javascript and js libraries, are utilised to support this behaviour by scaling more dynamic elements like masonry galleries and transforming mouse events to touch activities.
Unlike adaptive design or mobile detection, responsive design does not involve device detection; instead, CSS media queries are used to determine things like the width and orientation of the device screen—your browser.
Basics of Responsive Design
Breakpoints and fluid scaling are two fundamental elements in responsive design:
CSS3 media queries define conditional bounds at which the width of a device’s browser will trigger different styles. We employ a maximum-width breakpoint for a desktop-first (scale down) build against a minimum-width boundary for a mobile-first (scale up) build at Digilink Ads. Height and even device orientation can be determined via queries. Breakpoint sizes (we’ll refer to them as widths from now on) can be specified in px or em. In comparison to a few years ago, the difference in modern browsers is minor. Breakpoints can be any size, however they often correspond to the most frequent dimensions of each Desktop, Tablet Portrait, Mobile Landscape, and Mobile Portrait.
These are typically 1200/960px wide, 768px wide, 480px wide, and 320px wide, though industry standards are always changing as new devices are produced. These devices have become increasingly similar over time, especially since the introduction of retina screens. As a result, you may find that two devices can match the same breakpoint (e.g., tablet landscape and laptop), but that each device has its own size, which brings us to the following principle.
Fluid scaling can be accomplished in a variety of ways, but it always involves percentage or em values to allow a container to scale inside the constraints of its parent elements, and eventually the browser. Fluid scaling is required to enable responsiveness between breakpoints, maximise real estate, and keep the columns flowing in a responsive grid. An HTML page with one block with a width of 100% and a height of “auto” is a simple example of a dynamically scaling object.
The block scales appropriately as the browser width changes. It’s up to you where this scaling is applied at the granular level, but fluidity should always be present at the top level of any responsive container. A grid pattern is another classic illustration of fluidity. Virtual blocks are aligned and equally distributed across the breadth of a site or container in a grid layout. These blocks have a fixed width and are placed as inline-blocks within a dynamically scaled parent container. When the browser (and, eventually, the container) reaches the point where the aggregate of all blocks exceeds the parent container, the blocks will break to the next line.
Columns are the names given to these blocks, and each block might represent multiple columns. For example, three blocks could represent nine columns, each with three columns. You’re looking at an 8 column layout with 2 columns of margin once you’ve scaled down to a width that fits two blocks, each with three columns, with the third on the next row. Scale down even more to eliminate the margin, and you’ll get a six-column layout with no margin.
Grid layouts can be utilised throughout a website, including sidebars and the main text. As a result, many websites use grids that flow from left to right and top to bottom (just like germanic and latin-based written languages). To display the most responsive layout for a grid, we begin by picking the known device widths from our breakpoint information. We determine the closest value of the site width and number of columns using these figures, which split into the biggest number of whole factors. We must accomplish this without jeopardising the content’s real estate (so don’t go too far). The 960 grid system, which is commonly utilised in 12 columns, is one of the most popular. In a 12 column grid, two side-by-side blocks that take up the whole width of a page are each 6 and 6 columns.
We focus on maintaining the structure and order of items from desktop to mobile while designing and developing for responsiveness. This allows for seamless scaling while also decreasing the amount of duplicate items that are hidden or visible at different breakpoints.
Responsive Design at Digilink Ads
DigilinkAds provide options for a regular 960 grid, which requires designs for desktop and mobile, as well as a widescreen 1200px or 1280px grid, which requires widescreen, tablet or 960, and mobile designs. All interim phases are either snapped to the next breakpoint size via breakpoints, or fluidly scaled, depending on the intricacy of the design and scope of the project. Our experienced development team includes both full stack and frontend engineers, who are all trained in responsive methods and reviewed on a quarterly basis. We manually verify all of the major browsers and the aforementioned breakpoint widths, as well as manual device testing with our in-house QA engineers.
Optimising User-Experience
Regardless of your industry or the products and services your company offers, user-experience on your website should be of the utmost importance. With responsive design, your audience will always be able to engage seamlessly with your site on each of their devices, at any given time. Mobile and tablet use is becoming more and more prevalent, and to succeed with your online presence, your website should be optimised for those devices and their users.