You are surely familiar with the difficulties of attracting new clients if you clean carpets. One of the main obstacles is that most potential customers conduct a Google search before calling the first few businesses that appear on the results page when they need their carpets cleaned. In order to increase your consumer base, you must climb to the top.
We’ll walk you through our five-step procedure for moving your business up the rankings. However, let’s first try to comprehend why local SEO is a necessity for all carpet cleaning businesses.

- Determine Your Keywords
Making a list of keywords that describe your offerings is the first step in launching a local SEO campaign. You may select “RV detailing,” “carpet cleaning,” and “upholstery cleaning,” for instance. Once your list is essentially complete, register for a free Google AdWords account.
You are not required to create or fund an advertising campaign. You can only use the AdWords account to access Google’s Keyword Planner. You can use this tool to research the traffic generated by your chosen keywords. Additional keywords that you might not have thought of are also suggested.
You are now prepared to select your final keywords with the use of this knowledge. All keywords fit into one of two categories:
Buying Intent: Buying intent keywords indicate that a prospect is prepared to make a purchase. For instance, a search for “professional carpet cleaning Philadelphia” suggests that the potential customer is aware of his need for expert assistance and is seeking for someone in the area to do it. Because they result in the quickest conversions, keywords with a purchase intent should be the main emphasis of your local SEO effort. Utilise them and build service pages around them for your homepage.
Research Intent: Prospects who conduct research-related searches are only “shopping.” They are at the beginning of the sales funnel and may eventually employ your services. For instance, someone looking up “carpet stain removal” may already have stained carpets but is only now beginning to research solutions. Because they do not lead to speedy conversions, keywords with a research objective should be given less importance. However, blogs and FAQs can still make use of them. These posts promote your business to potential customers who might think of you when they need their carpets cleaned. - Optimise Your Keywords
Once you have a final list of keywords, you are prepared to optimise them for both your website and your Google My Business page. Focus on the following:
Google my business: Consider your Google My Business profile as a miniature website that provides potential customers with an overview of your business. It will improve your entire web presence, give you a quick Google rankings boost, and make you visible in the “Map” part of Google results for nearby businesses. This is so because ranking highly with a Google My Business page is more simple than with a website.
Website optimisation: Optimise your “core” pages, commonly referred to as your homepage and service pages, for your buying intent keywords first. Your “content” pages, such as blogs and FAQs, will later be optimised for your research purpose keywords. The following are the key components:
Home Page
Service Page - Build Citations and Links
The foundation of your local SEO plan is now set, so you can start establishing citations and links. Your Google ranks will be improved, and your consumer base will grow.
Citation: A citation is nothing more than your company’s NAP listed in an online directory (name, address, and phone number). You can choose from broad national directories like Facebook and, general local directories like the website of your local Chamber of Commerce, and even cleaning service industry-specific websites. Despite the fact that many directories are free, some only offer paid listings. Check Google Analytics to see if that site generates traffic and conversions before you invest.
Links: You need high-quality inbound links coming from reputable websites if you want to rank highly in Google. Create online and offline connections with businesses that provide services that are complementary to yours, such as house cleaning services. When a connection is solid, suggest trading web links. Using a tool like the Moz Open Site Explorer, you may find out where your competitors are getting their connections from. - Request Reviews
The two major goals of online reviews are to persuade potential customers to visit your dealership and to reassure Google that you are a real company. The fastest Google rankings increase comes from Google My Business evaluations, while other review sites might be helpful. Send a link to your Google My Business profile in an email to your pleased clients and politely request that they leave a review. You will soon have a steady flow of reviews if you make this a habit. - Track Your Results
Tracking your results is the only method to determine the performance of your local SEO plan and identify the areas that still require improvement. Despite the abundance of data accessible, pay attention to these 3 key metrics:
Rankings: Because Google search results are personalised depending on a user’s prior browsing activity, you need to utilise a tool to determine how a given page actually ranks. To check your rankings once or twice a month, ask your webmaster to install the free Google Search Console (formerly Google Webmaster Tools). Use a premium tool to obtain a more thorough picture of your rankings. The one provided by is one we prefer. It enables you to monitor automatically updated data from all of your SEO campaigns and watch your Google My Business page alongside your website traffic.
Traffic: Google Analytics is the greatest tool for monitoring website traffic of website visitors. You may view your overall traffic, find out which page receives the most visitors, and estimate what proportion of your traffic originates from Google searches. At least once each month, review your reports to look for any long-term trends.
Conversions: A conversion is a particular action that you want the visitors to your website to complete. You may ask them to get in touch with you to receive 10% off their initial carpet cleaning service, for instance. You can track website and phone conversions in Google Analytics and see which pages have the greatest and lowest conversion rates.
Final Words
It should be obvious by now that a thorough local SEO plan is essential for bringing in more clients for your carpet cleaning business. Follow these instructions in order, being sure to complete each step before moving on to the next.